Friday, 16 March 2012

Meta-Lithics 2 and 3

I've been avoiding putting any new work up here, for all the world as though doing so would lead to some horribly disfiguring injury, like getting  punched in the face by a belligerent walrus.
Anyway. Have a look at the two recombinants I've made in the long intervening period:

Meta-lithics 2. For this I used material from mostly the same area as the first in this series. I broke out from the linearity of the previous work, including multiple angles and conflicts of perspective.

Meta-lithics 3. I decided I wanted to use images with a paler, more subtle tonality for this one. The circle of the right-hand side is purposefully unnatural, and it helped to define the rest of the composition.

Here are some installation shots:

For these images I've been making extensive use of what I call "guide layers", which are transparent, primary colored layers that overlay the image while I'm constructing it, helping me conform the raw rock to precise angles. 

Currently I'm working on having these latest works mounted to mat board, so they'll be professional-looking for the final crit and grad show. Also hoping to squeeze out one more composite.
Hopefully my ability to post work has been finally freed from the looming spectre of face-punch-by-walrus. Stay tuned.