Tuesday, 19 April 2011


I've been wanting to try something different from solely working on my composites for the past while. I'm certainly not giving up on them, but I've just been starting to feel as though they've been my straightjacket preventing me from trying out new things.

About a week ago I wasn't entirely sure what sort of different things I'd do for the exhibition coming up, besides the fact that they would be less labour-intensive than the landscapes.
Yesterday morning however, as I was walking to school I came upon an idea which I think is pretty quality. I don't want to get too much into specifics yet since I don't have anything concrete that I've done on it so far and things may change. But I will say this:

The images will again blend my own photography with photoshop manipulations. They will be shot in urban environments of the interchangeable type, "non-places" (a type of setting that I've been reading about in my CCS research). They will use the amplified abstraction inherent to such places as a starting point to contort reality as depicted in the photographic image. I'm feeling excited to get my CCS finally out of the way so I can get to work on this new idea. Should I manage to pull it off as I imagine it, it should be of some quality.